LCV Victory Fund, Priorities USA Action Release Pro-Biden Ads Following Release of Biden’s New Climate Plan
Ongoing $14 million environmental swing voter program now includes strong contrast ads between Trump and Biden on climate and environment
Washington, D.C. — As part of its ongoing $14 million anti-Trump campaign targeting 1.58 million ‘environmental swing voters’ across 6 key battleground states, LCV Victory Fund released new digital ads and direct mail today that expose the truth about Donald Trump’s harmful environmental record. The new ads also include high impact videos that contrast Trump’s record with Vice President Joe Biden’s leadership on climate.
The ongoing paid media campaign targets voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. LCV Victory Fund is partnering with Priorities USA Action for the digital programs in Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
WATCH: “Led The Way”
WATCH: “The Pour”
WATCH: “No Comparison”
WATCH: “Show For It”
WATCH: “Far Away”
WATCH: “What Does He Mean”
MAILER: Cape Fear
MAILER: Now & Then
MAILER: Asthmazona
MAILER: Diagnosis
MAILER: Everywhere
MAILER: Scientist
MAILER: Military
June 2020 public polling from Pew found that ‘most Americans believe the government should do more to combat climate change,’ further backing up the salience of environmental messaging this cycle.
“Our research shows that exposing the truth about President Trump’s harmful environmental record and contrasting Trump’s failure with Joe Biden’s climate leadership is key to defeating Trump in November,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund Senior Vice President of Campaigns. “Joe Biden understands that climate solutions and addressing racial, economic, and social injustice are inextricably linked and has a plan to build a more just and equitable clean energy future — we desperately need Biden in the White House.”
“Four more years of Donald Trump’s policies represent an existential threat,” said Patrick McHugh, Executive Director of Priorities USA. “Voters are ready for steady leadership with a track record of fighting for our future, and that is Joe Biden.”
This high-frequency digital advertising and accompanying high repetition direct mail program is targeted at a total universe of 1.58 million “environmental swing voters” who were identified through advanced modeling techniques. The program will continue to run until the Democratic National Convention on August 16.
To view the dozens of ads and direct mail that have already run throughout this paid media campaign, refer to LCV Victory Fund’s May 18, May 28, June 17, and June 26 press releases.
Scripts of the latest ads are below.
“Led The Way”
After nearly four years of rejecting climate science
Gutting protections for our air and water
And putting us at risk
Isn’t it time to wipe things clean?
Joe Biden has led the way on climate change
With a bold plan that protects our environment
While creating new green energy jobs
And tougher rules for clean air and clean water
So all of us can live healthier, longer lives
Joe Biden
It’s time to get back on track
“The Pour”
Text on screen:
Donald Trump opposed the plan to limit chemicals in our drinking water
Chemicals that stay in our water forever
More Trump = More polluted water = More disease
Joe Biden’s plan protects drinking water
Cleans up the mess
Makes polluters pay
President Biden = Cleaner drinking water
Cheers, to good health
“No Comparison”
When it comes to climate change
There’s no comparison
Trump denied it
Biden will combat it
Trump: ‘I am not a believer in climate change’
Trump: ‘It’s a hoax, it’s a hoax’
Biden: ‘This is the existential threat to the United States, to the world, and it’s real’
Biden: I’m going to double the investment in water infrastructure, monitor for contaminants, hold polluters accountable’
Biden will combat climate change
So our future is secure
Trump is still in denial
Simply no comparison
“Show For It”
Donald Trump’s had four years
What do we have to show for it
Silenced climate scientists and experts
Got rid of limits on pollution and chemicals in our air and water
Rolled back rules on pollution for oil and gas companies
We’ve already lost four years
We can’t afford to lose any more
“Far Away”
Toxic chemicals like PFAS are getting closer all the time
Spreading across waterways
Causing cancer and brain damage in children
Donald Trump opposed a rule to stop corporate polluters from letting these chemicals into our water
He should be protecting us
“What Does He Mean”
When Donald Trump says
Trump: ‘Global warming … a lot of it’s a hoax’
What does he mean
Is he talking about the 100-year floods that happen year after year
Or the homes they destroy in our state
Because that’s no hoax to Michigan
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Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and Priorities USA Action,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.