LCV Victory Fund, Priorities USA Action Release New Bilingual Anti-Trump Digital Ads & Direct Mail in Florida
Tallahassee, FL — As part of an ongoing $14 million anti-Trump campaign targeting ‘environmental swing voters,’ in battleground states, LCV Victory Fund and Priorities USA Action released new digital ads in Florida this week that expose the truth about Donald Trump’s harmful environmental record including the danger from his denial of climate change and the risks to Florida’s water from his ongoing support of corporate polluters.
The ads are running in English and Spanish to a target universe of over 365,000 total swing voters who care about the environment. Latino voters make up 40% of the universe. LCV Victory Fund also released new direct mail pieces.
WATCH: “Mute” (English); “Mute” (Spanish)
WATCH: “Laughing” (English); “Laughing” (Spanish)
WATCH: “Far Away” (English); “Far Away” (Spanish)
WATCH: “Protect”
MAILER: “Redacted”
MAILER: “In Your Water”
“Donald Trump is currently exploiting a nation in pain, in the middle of a pandemic that is disproportionately harmful to Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities, to dismantle environmental policies that protect our children and families,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund Senior Vice President of Campaigns. “Voters need to know that Trump refuses to listen to experts, prioritizes corporations over people, and denies the threat of climate change just like he denied the threat of the coronavirus. Trump is putting the health of our communities at extreme risk, especially communities of color and low-income communities.”
“Donald Trump’s environmental record is self-serving, reckless, and dangerous,” said Priorities USA Executive Director Patrick McHugh. “Voters deserve to hear the truth about the existential threat that four more years of Trump represents, and the disproportionate harm his policies stand to bring to our most vulnerable communities, already hurting from the multiple crises we’re facing as a nation.”
The new ads and mail use research-driven messaging about Trump’s record on climate, and its links to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the environment, and the damage he’s doing to clean air and drinkable water.
“Mute” compares Trump’s denial of expert advice about the severity of the coronavirus to his denial of climate change. The ad says, “For months, Donald Trump ignored warnings from public health experts about the coronavirus pandemic, and his denial turned deadly. He refuses to listen to NASA, scientists, and the military about climate change and its damage to our homes, environment, and national security. Only one opinion matters to Trump. Trump: ‘A lot of it’s a hoax, it’s a hoax.’”
These new digital ads and direct mail pieces are the latest in a series of paid media that will rotate through between now and the Democratic convention on August 16.
Scripts for the four ads are below.
“Mute” (English)
Dr. Anthony Fauci: ‘We’ll need to identify, isolate, and contact trace’
For months, Donald Trump ignored warnings
From public health experts about the coronavirus pandemic
And his denial turned deadly
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford: ‘When I look at climate change, it is …’
He refuses to listen to NASA, scientists, and the military about climate change
And its damage to our homes, environment, and national security
Only one opinion matters to Trump
Trump: ‘A lot of it’s a hoax, it’s a hoax’
“Mute” (Spanish)
Dr. Anthony Fauci: ‘Necesitaremos identificar, aislar y avisar a contactos’
Por meses, Donald Trump ignoró las advertencias
De los expertos en salud pública sobre la pandemia del coronavirus
Y su rechazo se volvió mortal
El ex Jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto Gen. Joseph Dunford: ‘Cuando veo al cambio climático, es …’
Se niega a escuchar a la NASA, los científicos, y los militares sobre el cambio climático
Y el daño que ha causado a nuestros hogares, nuestro medio ambiente, y nuestra seguridad nacional
Solamente una opinión le importa a Trump
Trump: ‘Una buena parte es una farsa, es una farsa’
“Laughing” (English)
No one’s laughing in Florida when the president says
Trump: ‘Global warming, a lot of it’s a hoax’
And ignores the storms that get worse every year
We’re not laughing when he rolls back rules against pollution
Giving corporate polluters free rein to make the problem worse
Because we stand to lose more homes and more money
Than almost any other state
And that’s not funny to us
“Laughing” (Spanish)
Nadie se está riendo en Florida cuando el presidente dice…
Trump: ‘El calentamiento global, en buena parte es una farsa’
E ignora las tormentas que empeoran cada año
Nosotros no nos reímos cuando desmantela reglas contra la contaminación
Dando a los contaminadores corporativos rienda suelta para que hagan peor el problema
Porque podemos perder más casas y más dinero
Que casi cualquier otro estado
Y eso no nos parece una broma
“Far Away” (English)
Toxic chemicals like PFAS are getting closer all the time
They’re spreading across waterways
Causing cancer and brain damage in children
Donald Trump opposed a rule to stop corporate polluters
From letting these chemicals into our water
He should be protecting us
“Far Away” Spanish
Los químicos tóxicos como PFAS cada vez están más cerca
Se están esparciendo por las vías fluviales
Causando cáncer y daño cerebral en niños
Donald Trump se opuso a una regla para evitar químicos tóxicos en nuestra agua
Él debería estar protegiéndonos
It’s not always easy to protect them
But we do everything we can to feed them,
Keep them healthy,
And safe
But Donald Trump makes it harder every day
He slashed protections intended for our safety
Allowing corporate polluters to leak chemicals
Like lead and mercury into Florida’s water
Toxins that cause cancer and brain damage
Even in children
Our kids rely on all of us
Trump should protect our water
And protect our kids
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Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.