LCV Victory Fund Launches Latest Wave of House Ads | LCV Victory Fund

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LCV Victory Fund Launches Latest Wave of House Ads

October 8, 2024

Washington, D.C.– Today, LCV Victory Fund launched new house ads in AZ-06, CO-08, PA-07, MT-01, NE-02, CA-47, WI-03, and VA-07. The program includes digital and broadcast ads and comes in the final four weeks of the election cycle. The latest wave of ads focuses on access to clean air and water, lowering utility costs, and MAGA Republicans giving handouts to Big Oil and Big Corporations. These are a part of the $14 million House campaign that launched in September, which has now grown to over $18 million in 23 House races. This new wave of ads includes an ad that calls out Dirty Dozen member, Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06). 

WATCH: AZ-06 Protecting

This ad calls out Rep. Juan Ciscomani for threatening access to clean water by taking mining company campaign contributions and voting in support of a mining project in the Santa Ritas. The spot will run on Tucson broadcast through October 16th. 

WATCH: CO-08 Pollutant 

This Spanish-language ad focuses on Colorado Rep. Gabe Evans’ record voting for legislation that allowed Big Corporations to continue polluting Colorado’s air and water, for supporting tax breaks for the ultrarich, and for outsourcing Colorado jobs. This ad will run on digital platforms through Election Day. 

WATCH: CO-08 For Big Corporations

This ad reminds voters of Colorado Rep. Gabe Evans’ record of prioritizing Big Corporations, citing his record of voting to let corporations pollute Colorado’s water and air, voting against capping the cost of life saving medications, and supporting outsourcing Colorado jobs. This ad will run on digital platforms through Election Day. 

WATCH: VA-07 MAGA Parrot

This ad calls attention to Derrick Anderson’s ties to MAGA and how he will do what he is told to keep Trump, Speaker Johnson, and his MAGA friends happy. If elected, we can expect him to support the Project 2025 agenda, which would lead to repealing capping the cost of insulin at $35, stripping healthcare protections for people with preexisting conditions, and letting corporations pollute our water and air. This ad will run on Washington, D.C. broadcast through October 14th. 

WATCH: MT-01 Highest Bidder

The ad calls out Ryan Zinke on his history of corruption and willingness to sell out to the highest bidder. It will run on digital through Election Day. 

WATCH: NE-02 Repeal 

This ad calls out Rep. Don Bacon for raising taxes on middle class families, while giving tax breaks to Big Oil and corporations. This ad will run on digital platforms and digital radio through Election Day. 

WATCH: NE-02 Father

This ad highlights Tony Vargas’ efforts to lower energy costs, cut taxes for the middle class and support the public school system – all things that are critical to help Nebraska families. This ad will run on digital platforms and digital radio through Election Day. 

WATCH: PA-07 Glass

This Spanish and English-language ad focuses on Ryan Mackenzie and his plans, which could gut social security and Medicare benefits, and for his voting to weaken drinking water protections, while elevating Rep. Susan Wild’s record of strengthening social security and advocating for the removal of lead pipes from drinking water. This ad will run on digital platforms through Election Day. This ad is also running as a Spanish-only spot.

WATCH: PA-07 One Choice 

This spot contrasts Rep. Susan Wild’s record of advocating for safe drinking water and protecting kids from toxic chemicals, with Ryan Mackenzie’s support of a plan that could cut social security. This ad will run on digital platforms through Election Day.

WATCH: CA-47 Challenging 

This spot highlights Dave Min’s record of investing in apprenticeship programs, advocating for higher wages, and fighting to lower utility costs and energy bills. This ad is part of LCV Victory Fund’s efforts alongside partners such as EDF Action Voters and NRDC Action Votes in California’s 47th District and it will appear in English and Spanish. This ad will run on digital platforms through Election Day.

WATCH: WI-03 Participate

This ad features a U.S. Navy Veteran sharing why Rep. Derrick Van Orden doesn’t belong in Congress because of his participation in the January 6th insurrection. The ad includes footage of the attack itself and the tragic outcomes of it. This ad is in partnership with VoteVets and will run on digital platforms through Election Day.

“With less than 30 days to go until Election Day, voters need to know where their candidates stand on key issues like climate, democracy, and access to clean drinking water,” said Megan Jacobs, Vice President of Paid Communications and Elections. “These ads demonstrate that there is a clear choice this election cycle and what is at stake. We must ensure pro-environment candidates are in the House to continue the historic climate progress made by the Biden-Harris administration to build a clean energy economy that lowers costs and creates high-paying family sustaining jobs– instead of MAGA Republicans who are determined to do the bidding of Big Oil.” 

These new ads are part of our larger House work, which you can find more information about here, here and here




WATCH: AZ-06 Protecting

Protecting my kids. That’s what moms do.

 So, when a politician like Juan Ciscomani makes moves that threaten our clean water (and health)

…I have to call him out.

Ciscomani took mining-industry campaign contributions. 

Then voted to let a foreign mining company proceed with that massive project in the Santa Ritas.

The one we’ve opposed for years because it’ll pollute our community

Ciscomani’s gotta go.

Get Juan Ciscomani out of Congress.


WATCH: CO-08 Pollutant 

Esmog. Residuos. Gabe Evans.

amenazan al Colorado que amamos.

Evans votó para permitir que las corporaciones contaminen nuestro aire y agua a favor de sus ganancias.

También apoya un plan que reducirá los impuestos a las empresas que se llevan los empleos al extranjero.

Y deja los multimillonarios y a las corporaciones sin responsabilidades por lo que deben en impuestos.

No votes por Gabe Evans. No contamines a Colorado.


WATCH: CO-08 For Big Corporations

We work hard to protect Colorado’s way of life. But Gabe Evans? He will work for big corporations.

Evans voted to let corporations pollute our water and air, putting their profits over our health.

He supports a plan to give massive new tax breaks to big corporations and companies that outsource Colorado jobs

And Evans stood with drug companies instead of us — voting against capping the cost of life-saving medications like EpiPens

Colorado families just can’t afford Gabe Evans.


WATCH: MT-01 Highest Bidder

Today, we have a real gem. A uniquely corrupt politician offering his services for sale.

Ryan Zinke has a long history of using his office for personal gain. 

And selling out Montana’s farmers and ranchers.

The bidding starts at five thousand. Do I hear five-thousand? 

The developer down front.

Can I get seventy-five hundred? Seventy-five hundred from a PAC connected to a Chinese company.

Eight? Looking at eight?  I guess it doesn’t take much.

Ryan Zinke – sold to the highest bidder!


WATCH: VA-07 MAGA Parrot

Parrots and Politicians…

They don’t really speak for themselves… they just repeat.

Like Derrick Anderson…

In Congress he’ll parrot the extreme Project 2025 agenda that hurts working families.

Like repealing the thirty-five-dollar cap on insulin.

Stripping healthcare protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

And letting corporations pollute our water and stop paying overtime.

We can’t have Derrick, the MAGA parrot, in Congress.


WATCH: NE-02 Repeal 

After all these years… who is Don Bacon really helping? 

He raised taxes on middle-class families

While handing out tax breaks to corporations and Big Oil companies

Don Bacon’s real focus is helping his wealthy Washington friends… not us.


WATCH: NE-02 Father

Tony Vargas knows there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for our families,

but it’s getting harder all the time. 

That’s why he’s working hard to lower energy costs.

Cut middle-class taxes,

And support our schools.

Because that’s what Nebraska families need. 


WATCH: PA-07 Glass

Ryan Mackenzie no ve el vaso medio lleno, lo ve completamente vacío.

Mackenzie supported a plan that could drain Social Security and Medicare.

But Susan Wild is all about filling the glass to the brim.

She ensured her constituents have safe water by funding the removal of lead pipes.

Helping to keep kids healthy and safe from toxic chemicals

How refreshing it is to have someone like Susan Wild in congress.


WATCH: PA-07 One Choice 

You can tell a lot about someone by their priorities. 

Ryan Mackenzie’s priorities include a radical plan that could gut Social Security and Medicare benefits. 

And stripping protections for children’s drinking water in schools. 

Susan Wild’s priority is working with both parties to get things done for Pennsylvania families. 

Strengthening Social Security

And fighting to remove lead from our drinking water. 

Susan Wild. Putting the Lehigh Valley first. 


WATCH: CA-47 Challenging 

A lot of elected officials make everyday life more challenging for hard-working folks. 

But the opposite is also true. 

Take Dave Min…

He’s worked to make our lives better in big and little ways. 

Like investing in apprenticeship programs. 

Fighting to lower our bills and utility costs. 

And pushing for higher wages.

It’s why he’s the only candidate in this race endorsed by Labor and the LA Times. 

I’m with Dave Min. 

Because life is challenging enough.


WATCH: WI-03 Participate

I served in the United States Navy to protect and honor my country.

So, it makes me sick to know it, but – our Congressman, Derrick Van Orden participated in January Sixth.

The deadly Capitol attack.

Where a-hundred-forty police officers were injured and five ultimately died.

Van Orden was there.

Then, he lied about it.

Until social media posts proved Van Orden was there.

As rioters attacked it, he dishonored our country.

Derrick Van Orden doesn’t belong in Congress.

Backup for Protecting, Pollutant, For Big Corporations, Highest Bidder, MAGA Parrot, Repeal, Father, Glass, One Choice, Challenging and Participate

Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.