LCV Victory Fund Statement on Trump Not Committing to Accept Wisconsin Election Results | LCV Victory Fund

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LCV Victory Fund Statement on Trump Not Committing to Accept Wisconsin Election Results

May 2, 2024
Kelci Hobson,

Washington, D.C.– In response to today’s comments from Trump stating that he would not commit to accepting the Wisconsin election results if he loses,  the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Victory Fund released the following statement from Megan Jacobs, Vice President of Paid Communications and Elections:

“Donald Trump does not believe in democracy. He is an election denier who attempted to overturn the 2020 election and has made the Big Lie a centerpiece of his campaign. He fomented the January 6th insurrection. His strongman behavior is a threat to our democracy and our safety. Election disinformation and lies must be called out for what they are – a window into an autocratic future where people have less freedoms and rights. We look forward to voters rejecting Trump once again.”


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